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Is A Nurse Staffing Agency Right For You?

Due to the changes happening in the healthcare industry today, there is lot of pressure that falls on HPs. This is especially true when it comes to credentialing, placement, and continuity while on the job. A nurse staffing agency can be a valuable resource for healthcare professionals seeking employment opportunities. It can make finding the […]

9 Reasons to Consider Temp Nursing Jobs

Temp Nurse

Nurses are one of the most crucial groups in the healthcare industry today. However, quite a few positions require travel and temp work. If you’re a nurse, you might be wondering what’s in it for you. After all, can temp nursing jobs really compete with permanent placement? The answer might surprise you. 6 Benefits of […]

3 In-Demand NYC Nurse Jobs To Live Out Your Big Apple Dreams

NYC nurses talking and performing chart work

What does your travel bucket list look like? Hawaii, California, Florida, Texas—well, if you’re anything like us, NYC is pretty close to the top of your travel list. With international cuisine, a theater mecca, and more historic landmarks than you can count on one hand, NYC is a nurse’s destination city. But what nurse jobs […]

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