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Meet Our New Employees Amy Ables and Brandon Freeman

Amy and Brandon

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Amy Ables and Brandon Freeman each play a huge role in Jogan Health’s effort to care for communities. Working together and individually, they have served as leaders for epidemiology services, infectious disease control, case investigation, contact tracing and a host of other projects. It’s time to get to meet our team, and Amy and Brandon are the perfect two members to start with!

Amy Ables, Director of Case Investigation and Epidemiology Services

Amy, a BSN and RN, came to Jogan Health in 2021 as a travel nurse on a vaccine project in Colorado. She had been working and living in rural Kentucky.

“To say it was the best decision of my life is an understatement,” she says. “As a seasoned ER nurse and supervisor, I was limited on job selection to travel within my specialty. Jogan Health changed all that and gave me opportunity to grow within the company.”

Shortly after joining Jogan Health, Amy quickly advanced into a project management role at the corporate office, where she was part of the team that secured a grant to direct Covid-19 response efforts for Douglas County, Colorado. Amy credits her advancement to Jogan Health President and CEO Dan Dietrich, who believed in her leadership skills. 

“With strong support from our top leadership and our Business Development team, I am lucky enough to also be part of some amazing innovation here at Jogan Health,” she says. “This career has been life changing in so many ways. If you’re asking why Jogan? Remember my story.”

Brandon Freeman, Epidemiologist

Brandon was hired in December 2021 as Jogan Health’s Lead Epidemiologist on the Case Investigation and Epidemiology services project. His initial role was to lead the COVID-19 response in Douglas County, Colorado, a community both close to his home and his heart. 

“Moving from an epidemiologist position within the local government sector was a leap I was scared to take, but I can honestly say that I have zero regret,” Brandon says. “Jogan has cultivated an environment which encourages innovation and new ideas which has allowed me to better protect the health of the communities we serve. I was able to find myself on both project management and innovation teams where I am continuously challenged to learn and grow. I will forever be grateful to Jogan Health for giving me the liberty to not only better serve my own community, but also for empowering me to think so far outside of the box that people don’t know it even exists – an opportunity that has been lifechanging.”

Meet Our Team And Help Change The Healthcare Landscape

If you’re curious about the rest of the Jogan Health team and what we do, stay up to date on the rest of our blog posts. We will be focusing on employee bios and making sure you know who is working for you! Contact us today!

Jogan Health

84 Inverness Cir E

Englewood, CO 80112

(866) 80-JOGAN

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